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Message to American Indian Community House

American Indian Community House - Native American  in New York NY

American Indian Community House

(646) 355-8098
(646) 355-8098

About American Indian Community House

American Indian Community House (AICH) was founded in 1969, by Native American volunteers as a community-based organization, mandated to improve the status of Native Americans, and to foster inter-cultural understanding.

AICH is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization serving the needs of Native Americans residing in New York City.

The mission of American Indian Community House (AICH) is to improve and promote the well-being of the American Indian Community and to increase the visibility of American Indian cultures in an urban setting in order to cultivate awareness, understanding and respect.


Primary Office Location

pin 39 Eldridge St, 4th Floor New York NY 10002

pin (646) 355-8098


Social Media

Twitter page for American Indian Community House - Native American  in New York Facebook page for American Indian Community House - Native American  in New York Instagram page for American Indian Community House - Native American  in New York Twitter page for American Indian Community House - Native American  in New York Instagram page for American Indian Community House - Native American  in New York
Message American Indian Community House
(646) 355-8098