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Message to Thunderbird Friendship Centre

Thunderbird Friendship Centre - Native American  in Geraldton ON

Thunderbird Friendship Centre

(807) 854-1060
(807) 854-1060

About Thunderbird Friendship Centre

The Thunderbird Friendship Centre was established in 1967, incorporated on November 29, 1971, and became a member of the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC) on October 19, 1990.

The Thunderbird Friendship Centre is a community driven organisation that is managed by an elected Board of Directors at an Annual General Meeting.


Primary Office Location

pin 301 Beamish Avenue W. Geraldton Canada P0T 1M0

pin (807) 854-1060


Social Media

Facebook page for Thunderbird Friendship Centre - Native American  in Geraldton
Message Thunderbird Friendship Centre
(807) 854-1060